Untitled Queen - Day Star

Collaborating closely with local Brooklyn drag queen Untitled Queen, we translated her creative vision into a stunning reality. Untitled conceptualized a performance inspired by the poem "Daystar" by Rita Dove, envisioning a captivating display featuring a large, minimalist form radiating light and smoke. The focal point was a custom inflatable gown connected by an umbilical cord to the main structure. As the performance climaxed, Untitled desired the ability to disconnect from the box, causing the gown to deflate and release smoke, symbolizing the profound transfer of energy, love, dedication, and life force from mother to child.

To bring this concept to life, we meticulously fabricated a custom frosted acrylic cube with oversized finger joints, strategically allowing smoke to elegantly pour through the gaps. Inside the cube, we designed and wired LED towers to emit a soft, colored glow. A clear umbilical tether extended from the cube to a custom PVC inflatable gown coated with thermochromatic paint, ensuring a seamless flow of dry ice smoke. This thoughtfully crafted configuration allowed Untitled to engage with each element, creating a poignant performance that beautifully conveyed the emotions she sought to evoke from the poem.


In essence, our collaboration with Untitled Queen resulted in a visually striking and emotionally resonant performance piece that seamlessly blended artistry, technology, and storytelling.